Capacity Building Workshop for Local Conservation Support Group(LCSG)
The formation of Local Conservation Support Groups (LCSG) along the White-bellied Heron landscape is part of RSPN’s approach of directly engaging local communities in the conservation of the species. It’s known to be effective in terms of monitoring WBH and promoting ownership amongst the locales.
The on-going project funded by the Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), Germany through the International Climate Initiative (IKI) and co-funded by MAVA foundation, Switzerland, continues to build capacity of the members of these groups.
A day-long workshop was organized at Lhamoizingkha on 22nd of this month to build the capacity of newly identified LCSG members from the lower Wangchu and Punatshangchhu river basins. Introducing the RSPN’s key thematic areas of the programme, and conducting practical sessions for monitoring and reporting means to support the conservation of heron, the participants were actively engaged in understanding the core of their conduct as LCSG members.
Participants for Capacity Building Workshop for Local Conservation Support Group
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