Support of Fruit Saplings to Langdurbui and Phulabi chiwogs, Zhemgang District

Fruit Saplings to Langdurbi and Phulabi Chiwogs

With the onset of plantation season in the country, RSPN supported more than 1200 fruit saplings (mostly avocado saplings), to 81 households of Phulabi and Langdurbi chiwogs of Bardo Gewog under Zhemgang District.

The fruit saplings were also supported by schools and the Public Health Center of the Chiwogs.

This is a part of the Canadian Fund for Local Initiative (CFLI) project implemented by RSPN aims in enhancing climate resilience through gender-responsive Agro- ecological farming. The support has also complemented the ongoing national million fruit tree plantation program in the District as shared by District agriculture officer.

Plantation programs were successfully carried out with support from the Dzongkhag Agriculture sector, Gewog office and Dessup representatives.

Community of Langdurbui participated in the plantation of fruit saplings.
Distribution of fruit saplings to the community of Langurbui.
A local of Phulabi Chiwog smiles after he received fruit saplings.
Avocado Saplings.
Overview of Langduribu community.
Overview of Phulabi community.