Bhutan’s pristine environment is the legacy of our forefathers, which every Bhutanese cherishes as it is the wealth and pride of the country. Nevertheless, Bhutan is confronted with mounting environmental challenges. To address these issues, numerous organizations, including the Department of Forestry and Nature Conservation Division, the National Environment Commission, the World Wildlife Fund, the Royal Society for the Preservation of Nature, and Clean Bhutan, are actively involved in promoting environmental education and awareness. Their collective efforts aim to instill a heightened sense of responsibility towards the environment and drive positive change for a sustainable and prosperous future.
Moreover, the Ministry of Education continually explores various means and strategies to provide relevant environmental education to the young generation of today and the future citizens of tomorrow. There are three sections that identify the means by which the Royal Government is striving towards the conservation of the environment through the education of its people; Environmental education through formal curriculum; Environmental education through Nature Club activities; and Environmental Education through Non-formal Education.
One of the challenges is that with the booming populations in cities and towns, requirements for more living spaces and sustenance for people will always create threats to the environment. Thus, as a result of urbanization in Bhutan, a place that was a few years ago peaceful and beautiful has built
buildings rapidly, resulting in more pollution and conflicts. Such urbanization is ‘normal’ for children, and schools find it difficult to convince their students to have positive attitudes towards the environment and about the need for environmental action.
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