World Water Day 2011

Water is essential for every sentient being
Water is essential for very being
(Photo: T. Lhamtshok, RSPN)

World Water Day is commemorated anually on 22 March. With various themes for the day, UN Water organize events related to water in different parts of the world.

The theme for 2011 World Water Day is, “Water for Cities: Shared Water, Shared Responsibilities“. In Bhutan, the event will be commemorated in Khasadrapchu Middle Secodary School in Thimphu on March 22 with various thematic programs like talks on water quality, water theme songs and cultural dances, extempore speech, art competition on water, etc.

According to the UN Water, the annual event is being marked “as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for

Theme Year
Water for the 21st Century 2000
Water for Health – Taking Charge 2001
Water for Development 2002
Water for the Future 2003
Water and Disasters 2004
Water for Life 2005 – 2015 2005
Water and Culture 2006
Water Scarcity 2007
International Year of Sanitation (WWD coincided with the year) 2008
“Shared Water – Shared Opportunities” 2009
Water Quality 2010

the sustainable management of freshwater resources.” 

This year, the official event of World Water Day will be held at the CTICC in Capetown in South Africa. The event will see various performances by artists, exhibition on world water day and conferences related to water.

An international day to celebrate freshwater was recommended at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). The United Nations General Assembly responded by designating 22 March 1993 as the first World Water Day.

The event in Bhutan is being supported by UNICEF and Bhutan Water Partnership.

For more details on World Water Day, pelase visit its official website HERE.