1st winner: Pema Khandu
Title of the story: Anthropogenic Destruction of Natural Riverine Habitat.
Picture of the story
Briefly describe the picture
In the picture, a heavy excavating machine is seen shoving sands and gravels along the Pa-Chhu riverbank causing riparian habitat fragmentation and loss. Moreover, it also goes on to show how the anthropogenic pressures lead to alteration of the natural ecosystem.
What did you learn/observe?
I learned that any human induced alteration of the natural freshwater ecosystem would lead to irreparable loss of aquatic flora and fauna, as well as degradation of its pristine habitat.
Your recommendation to address the issue
1. Educate people on conservation of freshwater ecosystem.
2. Keep the freshwater ecosystem intact.
3. Policy intervention to regulate the anthropogenic activities in and around the freshwater ecosystem.
2nd winner: Tshering Tobgay
Title of the story: The Peril of Nature
Picture of the story
Briefly describe the picture
The picture illustrates the severe peril of nature that posses serious risk and threats to the ecosystem of the area. The activity posed damages to both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems with no mitigation used in abating the debris generated from it. Many of the dust particles were seen causing huge air pollution. Even the soil and rocks were loosely falling down to the huge river below. The amount of damages causing to the biodiversity of the area is unimaginable. It is surely the nature is in peril with developmental activities.
What did you learn/observe?
It is of great lesson to derive; how developmental activities can degrade the natural environment.
Your recommendation to address the issue
There is need of proper Environmental Impact Assessment study before any of such activity carried out in the area. It is also important the concern agency involving need to monitor in bringing environmental friendly ways of development.
3rd winner: Mahendra Timsina
Title of the story: Habitat Pollution
Picture of the story
Briefly describe the picture
This picture was taken in Thimphu chhu, Babesa area, shows an Ibis bill feeding in an area where the water is fully polluted. The scene was disturbing for me personally and shows the wrath of development. It is a disturbance to the habitat of many bird species.
What did you learn/observe?
The entire water body along Babesa sewerage area is a habitat for water birds and most important of all for many migratory species. The water along that area is mostly polluted due to dumping of waste along the upstream. If it continues, there are chances that we lose some important species from that area.
Your recommendation to address the issue
NEC has to take strict measure to prevent dumping of waste and convert the area into a conservation zone.
3rd winner: Tshering Dorji
Title of the story: Habitat destruction by developments
Picture of the story
Briefly describe the picture
Habitat disturbance for Red Panda by road construction and other development activities This globally endangered species was spotted in one of the road widening site between to Bumthang and Mongar at Khandupang in Bumthang. The animal was stucked in one of corners of road widening area which is really risking its life to will predators and unfriendly human beings. I have safely guarded and free it into the forests.
What did you learn/observe?
With emerging of development activities across the country and which is also reducing area of wildlife habitats. It’s win-win situation with development and wildlife conservation.
Your recommendation to address the issue
It’s really need to do research before implementing any development activities especially for road construction and approving approval forestry clearance for clearing transmission corridors.
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