White-bellied Heron??? What does it eat? Where is it found? What will happen if they extinct? What benefits do they bring? What should we do to protect them?

This were some of the frequent questions asked by the communities during our recent White-bellied Heron educational awareness program conducted under the on-going BMU-IKI project.

Informing, educating and engaging communities living in the landscapes of White-bellied Heron plays in vital role to help understand their responsibilities and built togetherness toward the conservation measures taken to protect this critically endangered bird.

Currently a team from RSPN is carrying out the awareness program at Zhemgang and Trongsa districts.The activity is part of the ongoing project funded by the Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), Germany through the International Climate Initiative (IKI) and co-funded by MAVA foundation, Switzerland, and RSPN.