When asked about the importance and the need to protect the water sources, the chairman of LCSG said, "They have not realized the need until the water source dried up for the last few years particularly in winter. Since nothing could survive in absence of water, they have realized the need to protection of those water sources that were there for many decades."
The LCSG members were grateful to the Dzongkhag administration for support and guidance without which the projects would not have been successful.
RSPN is equally indebted to the staff of Sarpang Dzongkhag for their proper management of the LCSG project fund. The lead behind was Mr. Langa, the Dzongkhag Environment Officer. As mandated, Mr. Langa played a catalytic role in issues related to environment and was the motivating factor when it comes to LCSG activities with support from Dasho Dzongda, Dasho Dzongrab and all other staff.
The projects were funded by RSPN as part of building Local Conservation Support Group. RSPN today has LCSG in six Dzongkhags and have plans to institute for remaining 14 Dzongkhag.
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