Climate change and their impacts in developing countries (especially least developed countries) will become inevitable in the coming years.
Many of the most vulnerable groups and communities will be the poorest and most marginalized. People working in development (at international as well as national and local levels) have been need for accurate and relevant information on climate change and development linkages.
Climate change and their impacts in developing countries (especially least developed countries) will become inevitable in the coming years. Many of the most vulnerable groups and communities will be the poorest and most marginalized. People working in development (at international as well as national and local levels) have been need for accurate and relevant information on climate change and development linkages. Tiempo is a quarterly journal produced jointly by IIED, SEI and UEA as well as a website ( ) which tries to provide such information (with a focus on the least developed countries).
The purpose of this exercise is to develop a panel of key individuals in each least developed country where CLACC is working to get them to read Tiempo regularly and get their advice and feedback.
1. To raise awareness amongst key actors in each LDC about climate change and development issues
2. To establish a forum or group of such individuals to meet occasionally and give feedback
1. Develop a list of key individuals (20 to 30) in our country (including from government, NGOs, academics, researchers, media, private sector, etc).
2. Offer these individuals a free subscription to Tiempo in exchange for agreeing to attend a meeting/e-forum after they get a few copies to give their feedback.
3. To conduct group meeting/e-meeting and get their feedback
Person responsible:
Dago Tshering, Field Coordinator
CLACC Fellow
Register yourself with full details including your academic background with email address at
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