A lone Black-necked Crane descended to Gangtey-Phobji valley on 22.10.2016 at 2.30 pm. It was a clear sunny day and more cranes were expected to follow. Since it is already last week of October, more cranes are expected to arrive. Last year on 6th November, three cranes flew to the valley at 1.23 pm.
Our records from the past show that cranes arrive at different time of the day and mostly during mid day and of course on clear days. In 2009, 3 cranes arrived on 29th October at 3.10 pm, in 2010, 3 cranes arrived on 2nd November (1.25pm), in 2011, 4 cranes arrived on 7th November (10 am), in 2012, 3 cranes arrived on 27th October (12.30 pm) and in 2014 a group of 5 cranes arrived on 31st October at 1 pm.
Our injured Crane Karma now have a company at least in terms of hearing live calls. The two cranes were heard exchanging calls and interestingly the newly arrived crane was seen flying towards the Crane Center where Crane Karma is housed. In coming days, more cranes are expected to fly into the valley and it is hoped the sky will become clearer.
Report: Tshering Phuntsho
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