In an effort to generate sense of responsibility and encourage waste management in Bhutan, students and lecturers from the nation’s premiere institute, Sherubtse College, conducted a major east-west high way cleanup and awareness programs from 2nd to 9th July, 2007. A group of 56 students and 2 lecturers from Singye Karm and Social Service Unit of the college carried out two campaigns simultaneously from Trashigang to Bumthang and Bumthang to Thimphu highway.
The team collected papers, plastics and other wastes lying on either side of the highway. They also advocated waste management programs to the communities’ enroute. Pickup trucks were arranged to dispose the collected trash.
As a gesture of appreciation and support for the initiatives, the Clean Bhutan Steering Committee led by His Excellency, Dasho Nado Rinchhen, Deputy Minister of National Environment Commission received the two groups at the Thimphu Clock Tower. The event was also organized to impact further awareness and education to the general public.
During the keynote speech, His Excellency commended the efforts of the College. He said that Bhutan is currently facing a major problem in tackling waste issue. He pointed that such initiatives will ensure active participation from the general public who are unaware of the consequences of waste generation. He also commended the Clean Bhutan project steering committee for supporting this event.
The students of Sherubtse and the Royal Academy of Performing arts performed advocacy and cultural programs for the guests and public. Banners encouraging ethical waste management practices were also displayed.
The campaign is the first leg of the Clean Bhutan program initiated by RSPN and other concerned agencies from government, private and public sectors to address the emerging issue of waste. The project aims to conduct a nationwide cleaning campaign interspersed with awareness programs through various outlets like media, etc.
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