Restoring  the degraded habitats of the White-bellied Heron

Restoring the degraded habitats of the White-bellied Heron

As part of the on-going BMU-IKI project “Developing Ecosystem-based Solutions for  Managing Biodiversity Landscapes in Bhutan”,  RSPN in collaboration with the Department of Forests and Park Services carried out 15.7 Hectares eco-restoration plantation in the degraded WBH habitats along Punatsangchhu and Mangdechhu basins in 2022. A total of 50 Ha of degraded Habitats will be restored by 2025.

The degraded areas identified  for restoration were mainly in community forests and barren private lands within the WBH landscape of six districts (Punakha, Wangdue Phodrang, Tsirang, Dagana, Zhemgang and Trongsa). A total of 14 Community Forests and 18 private individuals carried out the restoration plantation. Locally preferred and high value timber species were planted.  Fruit bearing species were also planted for the benefit of the wildlife within the areas.

Subsequently, a team from RSPN also conducted the first phase of the project level monitoring from September 8 – 19, 2022. During the visits, the team also met with respective community forest chairperson and private plantation owners to discuss the way forward in maintaining the plantation sites.

The activity is part of the ongoing project funded by the Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), Germany through the International Climate Initiative (IKI) and co-funded by MAVA foundation, Switzerland, and RSPN.

Berti Phendeyling Community Forest,Zhemgang District
Community Forest Networking Group, Zhemgang District
Monitoring and Evaluation team at Tsekha Community Forest, Punakha District
Ngormey Forest Nursery, Trongsa District
Tama Pemcholing Community Forest,Zhemgang District
Jangbi Community Forest, Langthel,Trongsa District
Lunsigang Community Forest, Gomsum, Tsholingkhar, Tsirang District
Sangtseri Community Foreset, Pantang, Zhemgang
Phurpa Dorji Shingdan Pvt. Plantation, Lhemchethang, Trashidang, Dagana