Under the Joint Support Programme (JSP- UNDP,UNEP and DANIDA), funded through Gross National Happiness Commission (GNHC), RSPN initiated a project entitled “Pilot Initiatives to Reduce Human WildLife Conflict Management in Kangpara, Trashigang” from January 2011 to June 2012.
Sustainable Institutional Mechanism for HWC management
In order to deal with the issue of HWC in the targeted villages of Kangpara Gewog, RSPN developed a mechanism based on the principles of sustainability and equity with components of insurance, research and ownership. The sustainable institutional mechanism (SIM), was developed in close consultation with the communities and national stakeholders such as Department of Forest and Park Services (DoFPs), Department of Livestock (DoL), Department of Agriculture (DoA), Wildlife Conservation Division (WCD) and UNDP. The SIM is a mechanism which requires the formation of groups with executing committee which will be guided by a constitution. The constitution has prescribed ways in which the HWC affected households will be compensated based on the accepted formulae to calculate the loss and the equivalent compensation in monetary figures. The Fund for the compensation is being provided by the project and RSPN jointly for the initial start up but later the fund have to be sustained through membership fee collections, donor contribution and income generating activities by the members. The overall compensation, roles of the members, fee collection etc. will be guided by the Constitution developed for the group. A training manual for the group was also developed for the purpose of operationalzing the SIM. RSPN will closely monitor the functioning of the HWC management group and the SIM though the field office based in Wamrong.
Schematic representation of the functioning of the HWC Management group with Sustainable Institutional Mechanism
The Royal Society for Protection of Nature would like to acknowledge the Liaison Office of Denmark, UNDP and UNEP Office, Thimphu under the Joint Support Programme (JSP) for funding the pilot project. We would like to thank all the stakeholders namely Wildlife Conservation Division (WCD) under DoFPs, Administration of Tashigang Dzongkhag, Thrimshing Dungkgag and Kangpara Gewog and RNR Centre and the Local Government of the Gewog for supporting the implementation of the project activities. The communities of Passangphu and Madhuwa Tshowog are appreciated for their active participation in the project and supporting the concept of compensation. We would also like to thank the Gross National Happiness Commission (GNHC) for the timely release of the fund and providing adequate time for report submissions.
Lastly, it would not have been possible for the project to develop the Sustainable Institutional Mechanism without the enthusiasm of the RSPN staffs and stakeholders. Thank you all.
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