An introductory meeting was organized to create awareness among local community and stakeholders in Buli on RSPN’s new project on Wetland Conservation and Sustainable Management funded by Small Grant Program, UNDP. It primarily aims on ecosystem service conservation, and also to conserves countries rare wetland in isolated pockets of area, Buli in Zhemgang upper kheng region is bestowed with vast wetland area. But in an absence of proper conservation program wetlands both manmade and natural remain open to human encroachment.
The three-day introductory program was conducted together with focus group discussion on final day. First day of introductory meeting was with local stakeholders were attended were gewog officials, Buli health officials, school principal and teachers, RNR staffs, community center officials and BDBL officials. Subsequent two days program were kept for local people of Buli, where on first day 40 household head were gathered for the meeting where we presented on detailed about RSPN as environmental conservation NGO and difference between government institutes and detail project activities.
A detailed presentation was also done on the new project to address on the project objectives its importance’s on human and rich biodiversity of Buli area. People were well informed about the next upcoming activities and seek their participation when required.
On final day of the introductory meeting focus group discussion (FGD) were held to cover on various characteristics features which included people’s participation in preparing seasonal calendar, important religious sits in Gewog and approached with draft map of the area which will be of genuine importance as we progress on with the project activities. In fact peoples turn-up for the meeting and active partaking clearly depicted there interest and concern on environmental conservation programs. As project seeks to approach for greater women’s participation as required, it was mostly attended by women.
Every one expressed their appreciation to RSPN for bringing project in their vicinity and acting together to accomplish common goals on country’s environmental conservation policy.
Reported by Narayan Ghalley, Project Officer, Buli
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