An International Wetland Symposium (IWS): Safeguarding Wetlands; Securing Future was held in the beautiful city of Pokhara, Nepal, between 7- 10 November 2012. It was organized by the Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation (MFSC)/Conservation and Sustainable Use of Wetlands in Nepal (CSUWN) in collaboration with International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC), WaterAid (WaterAid) and World Wildlife Fund (WWF).
The symposium began with opening remarks from the Hon’ble Yadu Bansh Jha, Minister and Hon’ble Dr. Krishna Chandra Paudel, Secretary, Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation of Government of Nepal.
The main aim of IWS was to provide a platform for knowledge sharing between national and international researchers, practitioners and managers engaged in the areas of wetlands conservation and management. It also aimed at providing opportunities to enhance technical understanding on contemporary issues through plenary discussions. Additionally, the symposium also aimed at documenting best practices and lessons learned in the above mentioned areas.
The symposium was attended by about 80 participants from 13 countries including Bhutan. Participants also included representatives from government agencies (of Nepal), UN agencies, international, regional and national wetland projects, organizations, educational institutions and other stakeholders working in the area of conservation and wise use of wetland.
The main outcome of the IWS was the 9 Point Pokhara Declaration (Click here to download the declaration)
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