Eco carry bags launched in Thimphu

Eco-bags being launchedThe Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN) in collaboration with the Clean Bhutan Steering Committee members launched the Non plastic shopping bags with the brand "eco bags" on 12th June 2010 at the Centenary Farmers Market, Thimphu.
The eco bags are produced as part of the research findings from the study on poly plastic bags and strategies to reduce it under the Clean Bhutan Program. The main objective of such initiative is to overcome the increasing environmental issues on disposal of the plastic carry bags.

^  It will serve as an alternative to plastic carry-bags
Happy Green deSigns’, a local youth group has been identified to promote and sell the bags to the public at the Centenary Farmers Market. Over time, this group will produce varieties of bags at affordable prices.

The Director of Department of Trade graced the launch as the Guest of Honour.

The eco bag was developed with financial support from Programme for South-South Cooperation.