Dr. Lungten had served 34 years in the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests (MoAF), Royal Government of Bhutan, before joining the Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN) in 2017, as a Specialist. His life- long career as forester, researcher, research manager and specialist has led gain vast experiences on policy and program planning, co-ordination and management; and undertaking research on natural resource system, including socio-economic surveys. Of late, he has led and mentored foresters and researchers in conducting investigation and policy analysis on the emerging issues such as Forest and Climate Change, Carbon Sequestration, Ecosystem-based Conservation, Payment for Environment Services (PES), Green Recovery and Bhutan REDD + strategy preparation. He has PhD from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland, and has many scientific publications to his credit. His present work at RSPN mainly includes coordinating, writing and submission of technical proposals for donor support; providing guidance on policy & program planning, implementation and monitoring; and supporting technical staff on proposal writing, data analysis and report writing. He continues to mentor Bhutanese researchers, foresters and students in carrying out research and publication of the results for wider dissemination.
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