Crane Tsheyphell is back!!!

Crane Tsheyphell is Back!!!

After spending 9 months and 12 days in the wetlands of the Tibetan Plateau in China, Crane Tsheyphell is back in the Phobjikha valley for the winter. Tsheyphell left the summer site, Yamcho Yumco, on 8th December, 2023, at around 10:20 AM and reached a place called Jerela at 02:09 PM, located behind the giant Jomolhari peak. The next day, Tsheyphell began his flight at around 8:50AM from Jerela and reached Phobjikha at 11:10 AM. Crane Tsheyphell was tagged with GPRS/GSM transmitter in the winter of 2020 and has been unraveling a lot of stories for us.

This study is conducted by RSPN in partnership with the Department of Forest and Park Services and NABU International with the fund support of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection.As of today, we have counted 473 Black-necked Cranes including 44 juveniles in Phobjikha.

Crane Tsheyphell is Back!!!
Root map for Crane Tsheyphell