Consultation Workshop for the development of environmental education reference material in Punakha

The 3 rd consultation workshop for development of environmental education materials commenced
from January 14-18, 2019 in Punakha.
Teachers from Paro, Thimphu, and Gantey-Phobjikha gathered in Punakha for 5 days to go through
the material and review it closely under the guidance of Mr. Surjay Lepcha, the consultant for the
development of ‘Follow that Stream” handbook.
The Environmental education handbook “Follow that stream” proposes project work concerning
water for all levels of students and help teachers to conduct them by giving precise instructions. The
projects aim to raise awareness and curiosity in the students as well as teach sound scientific
methods in environmental sciences.
Topics covered in the handbook include among others pollution and its causes and effects, water
borne diseases and species in and around water ecosystems.
During the consultation workshops teachers working in all levels of education reviewed the projects
in order to erase errors, improve them and discuss concerns to make the material applicable in the
The handbook “Follow that stream” is part of the Environmental Education program of RSPN with
financial support from KNFC.