The objective of activity is to ensure and instill a sense of awareness and self responsibility in the local people for a planned water source management. It further addresses the importance of relationship between healthy environment and better livelihood. The activity is also targeted for community preparedness and building community responsibility in developing a systematic water source protection through proper management of natural resources, plantation in the degraded catchment areas and water catchment protection.
The existing lake measuring approximately 30 meters by 15 meters in area has little water and is covered by falling leaves and undergrowth bushes from all the sides. The small patch of forest around the existing lake falls under cool broadleaved forest. The dominant species are Castonopsis, Schima wallichi, Beilschmiedia, Lindera neesiana, Symplocos ramossisima, Rhododendron spp. and other cool-broadleaved species. In general the upper canopy coverage is about 70% to 90% dominated by Castonopis spp. while lower canopy is dominated by Beilschmiedia, Symlocos and Rhododendron. During the plantation and fencing of the lake, observed good signs of wildlife species like barking deer, wild boar and squirrels must be using the water from the Lake, and varieties of bird species were observed in the small patch of forest.
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