Cancun Agreement Adopted by Acclaim

COP16 Exectuives

Over a period of two long weeks of climate negotiation under the UNFCCC, COP 16 in Cancun under the able sovereign leadership of the Mexican Foreign Minister Patricia Espinosa for the first time in UN history officially accepted to limit the global temperature rise below two degrees Celsius in all countries.

The climate summit here in Cancun opened the ground for new dynamics to combat climate change after the COP 15 deadlock. The summit agreed on important climate protection packages including adaptation to climate change for the most vulnerable countries, technology transfer, protection of rain forests and the establishment of Green Climate Fund for financing the above mentioned measures.

Time has now come to renew the political will to drive these negotiations forward to a global deal. The decisions made here in Cancun demonstrated the likely UNFCCC process for groundbreaking achievements in next year’s summit in Durban, South Africa.

Find more on details on decisions adopted during COP 16:

Reported by Dago Tshering in Cancun, Mexico