The Farmers’ Training on Organic Farming Practices in Buli, Zhemgang was held from 20 to 28 April, 2016 in Gewog RNR Extension Center Hall, Buli, Zhemgang. The opening of the training was attended by the Gup of Nangkor Gewog. More than 90 farmers from Buli, Nykhar-Tshegdang, Kikhar-Tali, Goling and Dungmang under Nangkor Gewog in Zhemgang attended the training.
It was conducted to let farmers explore and learn the techniques on making locally available farm-yard-manure and bio-pesticides rather than using synthetic fertilizers. It also advocated farmers on negative impacts of using synthetic fertilizers in farmlands, such as health hazards to human, decline of soil fertility and crop yield, degradation on environment and wetlands.
Presentation of Concept and importance of organic farming by Tsheten Dorji, Project Officer of RSPN.
The participants given two-day in-house theory lectures and one-day practical training in the field on the followings topics related to organic farming, soil fertility, composting, seed production and marketing of their products.
As a part of the practical activity in the field, they were trained on preparing of heap-compost, cyclic-compost, liquid-manure, bio-pesticides from availaible local resources.
In addition, the training also helped to prepare a “Post Training Action Plan” in order to keep farmers on track and encourage farmers assimilate organic techniques to implement those lessons. The participants assured to practice lessons learnt. It will be monitored by Gewog Agriculture Extension Office and RSPN.
It was facilitated by Mr. Norden Lepcha, from National Organic Programme, Department of Agriculture, MoAF and Mr. Tsheten Dorji, from RSPN, and coordinated by Mr. Narayan Ghalley of RSPN based in Buli.
The objectives of the training were to:
RSPN would like to thank SGP-UNDP for fund support, NOP-DoA, MoAF for technical support, Gewog Agriculture Extension Officer, Nangkor Gewog Administration and individuals who involved for the support in making the programme successful.
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