June 6, 2012 – Coinciding with the World Envrionment Day on June 5, Bhutan observed the first Pedestrians’ Day throughout the country in the core city areas. Many people were seen walking to their work places from their home while some walked from the designated public parking areas.
According to the executive order issued by the Prime Minister of Bhutan, stated that every Tuesdays “will be a day will be a day when Bhutanese citizens will seize the opportunity to contemplate the fragile nature of our previous Himalayan mountain ecology and make a small contribution.” It also stated that it till be the day “when Bhutanese will walk for their health, experience the joy of walking with their friends, family and colleagues, and promote community vitality.”.
The timing to observe the day will be from 8:00AM to 6:00PM every Tuesday. However, public bus, armed forces vehicle, ambulances, bicycles and taxis with even and odd number on alternate days is permitted to ply through the core city during the day.
While many people expressed that the idea is good for environment and their health as well, some people also said they were not consulted regarding the idea for which they could have also contributed some suggestions in various media.
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