About Us

Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN) was established in 1987 under the Royal Command of His Majesty The Fourth King of Bhutan as a Citizen-based Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) devoted to the conservation of the Kingdom’s environment. His Majesty The King was the Royal Patron of the RSPN from 1999 to 2012. Currently, Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen Jetsun Pema Wangchuck is the Royal Patron.
RSPN is governed by a seven Board Directors, the Executive Director is the head of the organization.


To be the Leader in conservation ensuring future generations of Bhutan live in an Environmentally Sustainable Society.


To inspire personal responsibility and active involvement of people of Bhutan in the conservation of the Kingdom’s environment through, Education, Community Engagement and Sustainable Livelihood Opportunities.

Core Values

RSPN’s core values are statements based on clear, concise, and shared beliefs of the organi­zation that will contribute towards achieving its mission in the long run. Its core values are to:

  • Promote innovative technologies and methods.
  • Be proactive towards environmental issues.
  • Be accountable and transparent.
  • Be efficient and effective in delivering programs and services.


The four overall goals of RSPN are:

  • To contribute significantly to environmental conservation in Bhutan through natural resources management and development of sustainable livelihood approaches.
  • To increase the level of environmental awareness through education, advocacy and public participation in conservation.
  • To enhance and increase the knowledge on the Bhutanese environment and sustainable livelihoods.
  • Enhance RSPN ’s institutional, organizational and human resource capacity to support conservation, sustainable development, research and education.


RSPN Conservation Mandala

The mandala represents our systemic approach and efforts, geared to implement sustainable solutions to emerging environmental challenges through innovation, citizen engagement, education, and empowerment. The six thematic areas are initiated based on national and international priorities that are aligned to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Using this approach, it affirms our belief and commitment to addressing the global issues which are interdependent in nature to support our goal of an ‘Environmentally Sustainable Society’.

Milestone in RSPN'S History