Prayers for Victims of Japan’s Earthquake and Tsunami

Offering butterlampsThimphu: 15 March 2011- RSPN today offered prayers and one thousand butter lamps for the victims of recent Japan’s earthquake and tsunami. The Resident Representative of JICA Bhutan office and other senior JICA officials attended the prayer ceremony.
“I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your warm sympathy for the Japanese people who are affected by the last week’s earthquake and tsunami”, said Mr. Tomoki Nitta, the Resident Represenative of JICA Bhutan office. “We will convey to our Japanese Embassy in New Delhi and to JICA head office in Tokyo”.

The Executive Director of RSPN, Dr. Lam Dorji, on behalf of RSPN, offered to render any possible help that RSPN can be. He said that RSPN will pray for the affected people of Japan. 

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