Ensuring Sustainable Water Access: Monitoring of Rural Water Supply Scheme (RWSS) in Wangdue Phodrang

A joint team from RSPN Bhutan and Thedtsho Gewog carried out the monitoring of #RWSS in Wangdue Phodrang District on March 6th, 2024. Currently, RSPN through the ongoing BMUV-IKI project is supporting two RWSS (Matalungchu and Wangjokha Chiwog, under Thedtsho Gewog).

The RWSS is expected to benefit 95 households. During the monitoring, local government officials provided updates on the progress of RWSS work at Matalungchu, while discussions on Wangjokha RWSS aimed at ensuring smooth implementation .This effort is part of a larger RWSS activity supporting 13 schemes across the White-bellied Heron Landscape, spanning Punakha, Wangdue Phodrang, Tsirang, Trongsa, and Zhemgang Districts.

We extend our gratitude to the Dzongkhag Administration of Wangduephodrang and Thedtsho Gewog Administration for their invaluable support and coordination, which is crucial for the success of this endeavor.

This project is funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), Germany through International Climate Initiative (IKI) with co-funding from MAVA Foundation, Switzerland and the Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN).