Today, the employees of Punatsangchhu-I Hydroelectric Project(PHPA-I) attended an advocacy program on White-bellied Heron. A total of 21 staff members visited the White-bellied Heron Conservation Center (WBHCC) and attended the day-long program in understanding the heron conservation works.
The WBHCC staff made a guided tour for the participants and presented on the ecology and some of the conservation approaches RSPN applies in reviving and sustaining the low population of WBH. Hydropower and White-bellied Heron have a close predisposition since both depend on the rivers. The practice of proper measures during the construction phase of hydropower, and mitigation efforts after construction will significantly minimise the threats to heron. RSPN and hydroelectric authorities have already initiated efforts to restore the degraded habitats through the plantation, and later this year, there is also a plan to install flight diverters in core nesting and frequent foraging sites.
The Environmental Officer of PHPA-I shared that this advocacy made him reflect on the conduct of his work and assured him to integrate mitigation activities and threat-controlling measures wherever possible for the benefit of heron. As the participants left the center, they said, โWe will spread awareness and support the conservation works of the heron.โ
RSPN aspires to conduct series of advocacy program to the communities and other stakeholders that will significantly bring greater effort in conservation of the White-bellied Heron.
This program is a part of IKI Project โDeveloping Ecosystem-based Solutions for Managing Biodiversity landscapes in Bhutanโ funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), Germany through International Climate Initiative (IKI).
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