The community forest in Laja Gewog under Dagana district associates their name to their holy site of Guru Rinpoche that resembles the frontier sky fortress, featuring a religious bell hanging from a cliff and an Urn (Thro), Tha Namkhai Dzong. The community forest group there consist of more than twenty members. In 2022, RSPN supported the community forest to restore their degraded forest of 1 acre with plantation activity. The choice of species include mixed of native trees and high-value timber species that will benefit both the wildlife and the communities.
The team from RSPN recently visited the plantation area and observed good post-plantation care. The growth of trees observed significant progress with 98% survival rate. As a way forward mechanism, team also interacted with the chairman and discussed the possible future collaboration and strengthening the post plantation as mandated by the government.
RSPN, under the IKI project funding is initiating to restore 50Ha of degraded areas within White-bellied Heron landscape with the plantation. The restoration activity is considered to benefit both the wildlife and the communities.
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